Springloop is a cooperative. We offer membership and co-operation to a few like-minded organisations and individuals working professionally on all aspects of sustainability, in The Netherlands and abroad.
To contract, hire, or partner with us in projects, research, and good work please contact: Anne Scheinberg, anne@springloop.nl or ascheinberg@afval.org.
Springloop and clean energy
Professional advice on improving energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings; energy labels and energy indices; Springloop is a partner with Energielabel Holland V.O.F. Special activities: policy analysis in wind and solar energy and workshops to produce low-cost small (8-10 watt) windmills for power back-up. Please contact: hans@springloop.nl.
Springloop and recycling
We are supporting European informal recyclers to organise themselves and make alliances with formal stakeholders and producer responsibiilty organisations. Join us in Novi Sad, Serbia, 19-21 September, at the ISWA congress, for a Round Table on Inclusive Recycling Policy and Practice in Europe. Further activities include roll-out of MarColombia benchmarking system for inclusive recycling (in partnership with NMPO/NWMC, WASTE, and CEMPRE Colombia, design of recycling programmes and plans to improve recycling performance and effectiveness on the way to 50% recycling or higher, due diligence and assessment of technology transfer proposals, system and business development, action research, market and value chain analysis, valorisation rates and data management systems. Supporting the global inclusive recycling movement.
Based on a feasibility analysis, we are looking for partners who would like to co-operate to set up inclusive aluminum UBC recycling in the Netherlands.
Springloop and organic waste
We see composting, biogas, and biomass as a bridge between energy and materials management for a cleaner, safer, more resource-efficient world: from building home composters to making sourcing plans for organic waste for biogas digestion to re-constructing animal feeding systems. An immediate focus on household composting to replace the disappearing climate benefits lost by the dismantling of centralised GFT (veg-fruit-garden organics) composting in The Netherlands. Partnerships with global organics and biogas experts and operators.
About our name
As a bi-lingual social enterprise, we wanted a name that relates to our work in Dutch and in English.
Springloop in het Nederlands: letterlijk een combinatie van sprongen voorwaarts en lopen in de goede richting. Oftewel een galop, de letterlijke betekenis van het woord. Spring: energiek in de lucht, over obstakels, geen oude fouten herhalen, wet van de remmende voorsprong.
Loop:passage van het huidige, mindere duurzame model van exploitatie van hulpbronnen en energie naar een economische stelsel dat is gezond én laat wat over voor de komende generaties. Springloop, net geen kringloop, maar roept die wel in verbeelding op.
Springloop in English: Spring, a clean water source relying on the purifying action of the water cycle, a spiral that jumps, suggesting how we spiral towards resource efficiency and sustainability; also the season, which combines seasonal growth with balanced yearly rhythms and cycles, unlike the global addiction to economic growth. Loop, closing the circle, keeping resources in circulation and avoiding mining and refining of new resources, unending cycling of resources and water, like a moebius strip.