Dr. Anne Scheinberg
Global recycling specialist, solid waste planner, action researcher. Specialist in integration of the informal sector, recycling and waste data, information and benchmarking, and process facilitation in relation to energy and environmental governance, urban planning, and institutional development.
Research Faculty at Antioch New England, Resource and Environmental Management
Anne Scheinberg chairs the ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) Working Group on Recycling and Waste Minimisation (WGRWM).
- For email contact about the ISWA WGRWM, please email to Ms. Gazel de Klerk, <gdklerk@iswa.org>. She is the technical co-ordinator of the Working Group.
Anne Scheinberg also leads the ISWA Circular and Low Carbon Cities (CALC) project of ISWA, which has a focus on developing and sharing evidence-based metrics on circularity in cities (not to be confused with circular economy).
- For contact with the CALC project, and to share your indicator with our Circular Indicators Resource Centre, please email to Mr. Kartik Kapoor, <kartikskapoor@gmail.com>.
- If you represent a city or region working on benchmarking circularity, and would like to know about our metrics, or share yours, please contact Ms. Gunilla Carlsson, <gunilla.carlsson@sysav.se>
Jelena Nešic
A trainer, governance and NGO specialist based in Belgrade, Serbia, with a growing portfolio on accountability mechanisms in relation to investments in the solid waste sector in former Yugoslavia.
Sonja Barbul
Sonja is a Roma rights activist with deep and wide connections to the European Roma community, and a specialist in Roma womens’ rights, who advises the European Commission.
Alodia Ishengoma
Alodia William Ishengoma is based in Dar es Salaam. She is a specialist in micro-privatisation of the waste service sector and has consulted to a large number of Sub-Saharan African (capital) cities on mobilising the power of the micro and small enterprise (MSE) sector to increase city cleanliness.
Ing. Hans (JCJ) Paalvast
Hans is (semi-)retired from his work at EnergielabelHolland, in Amsterdam, where he worked as a registered EPA-W en EPA-U advisor in the Netherlands. He participates in projects as a researcher and contributes information on the relationship between recycling and CO2 footprints, also an aspect of the CALC project.
Hans has also developed the Springloop’s policy on purchasing tonnes of CO2 (offsets) to compensate flights, and has recently purchased 20 tonnes of CO2 equivalent offsets from the organisation Carbon Killer.