During ISWA conference: round table session on informal sector in Europe

Informal integration in Europe: Better co-operation for improved recycling and re-use performance – on the way to the circular economy

During the ISWA conference which is held in Novi Sad (Serbia) from 19-21 September, a round-table with informal and formal stakeholders will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The “round table” is a series of sessions, where informal recyclers, packaging compliance organisations, academics, semi-formal flea market operators, traders and dealers, waste management companies, and government representatives can discuss issues and develop approaches to co-operate rather than compete. This is important for reasons of equity – to give informal re-users and recyclers a clearer and better position, access to social safety nets and business services, and a legal basis for their operations – but also because the Circular Economy ambitions of the European Union stimulate more and better documented recycling, re-use, and prevention.

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